5 Incredible Benefits of Using Solar Panels in Perth

Installing solar panels in Perth have numerous benefits if you live in Perth. Taking advantage of Perth’s sunny climate and lucrative government incentives for solar panels should be a priority. Here are some benefits of using solar panels in Perth.

1. There’s heaps of sun in Perth, which means an abundant supply of solar energy

Perth is one of Australia’s sunniest cities, with a total of 265 sunny and partly-sunny days annually. Even in winter, Perth temperatures rarely drop below 10 degrees, keeping solar panels busy throughout 70% of the year.

2. Electricity prices are getting more expensive in Perth

Since 2009 there has been a steady increase in electricity costs in Western Australia. 2017 is no exception to this. Electricity tariffs are to rise starting from July 1st, with households and small businesses expected to pay an increase of 7% per bill cycle. Fossil-fuel electricity will only continue to get more expensive over the years and raise the price of your electricity bills. That’s why installing solar panels in your Perth home is a clever investment and will save you a lot of money in the long-term. Installing a solar power system is one of the easiest methods to save money.

3. Discount off the price of purchasing your solar panels in Perth

When you install solar panels on your home, you generate rebates called Small Technology Certificates which can be used as a form of currency and can be traded and sold in a similar way to shares. Their value can rise or fall depending on the market. The amount of STCs you get from your solar panel installation depends on the amount of electricity your solar panels can produce, the date of installation and the geographic location.

However, buying and selling STCs is often difficult to understand. Which is why it’s common for people to simply allow the installer to have control of them. In return, you are provided with an upfront discount on the installation. For example, at Solar Naturally we give you the maximum available value for your solar power rebates, and this results in you having the most profitable discount on your solar power installation. (See more on how Solar Naturally can help you save money with solar panels here.)

Solar panels perth - solar power

4. Spend less on electricity from the grid

The biggest benefit of installing solar panels is that you can use the electricity produced from your solar panels rather than continuing to buy units from your electricity retailer all the time. This will allow you to pay back the cost of installing your solar panels and will end up giving you more money in the long term.

5. Get paid for the excess power generated from your solar panels

In Western Australia, The Renewable Energy Buyback Scheme pays you for any units of electricity your solar system produces that you do not use on your property. Your electricity retailer will also purchase any electricity generated by your solar system that you don’t use yourself.

How Solar Naturally can help you make the most out of Solar Panels in Perth

Our team here at Solar Naturally is guaranteed to respond to you within 48 hours. We have a quick turnaround time, so if you’re interested in setting up a solar power system or have questions about your existing one, we’ll get back to you as fast as possible. Rest easy knowing that our team of experts is always ready to help. Click here to get a quote from us or you can call us on 1300 168 138.

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