10kW Money making machine on the 22st Floor

10kW Money making machine on the 22st Floor! Producing RM22,000 per year in additional income.

10kW Money making machine on the 22st Floor10kW Money making machine on the 22st Floor

We have commenced installation installation of a 10kW Solar system on the 22nd floor of our Managing Directors penthouse in Malaysia. This is a custom built structure specifically designed for the solar system which will also be used as a roof for the soon to be roof top bar / garden.

Malaysia implemented a gross feed in tariff system recently where ALL power produced by a solar system is sold back to the power grid at close to 5 times the price you would normally pay for power. A contract is entered into by the owner and power company for all power to be purchased by power company for 20 years. This makes solar an outstanding investment opportunity for everyone considering the ROI is only 5 years!

Comprising of 40 x 250W REIN Solar modules and an SMA 10kW inverter this system should produce approximately RM22,000 per year in additional income. 

Watch this space for an upcoming feature in a magazine once completed!

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